聯(lián) 系 人:姚小姐(86-20-83576900)
傳 真:86-20-83499619
聯(lián) 系 人:徐里格
傳 真:020-83320589
郵 箱:gz2013competition@qq.com
時間:2013年 月 日 報名順序號:
項目名稱 |
廣州文化設(shè)施“四大館”設(shè)計國際競賽—— “三館一場”項目 |
項目編號 |
GZCQC1301FG09001 |
報名費 |
200元 |
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報名經(jīng)辦人 |
年 月 日 |
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年 月 日 |
備 注 |
2013年 月 日
(4)如中標(biāo),聯(lián)合體內(nèi)部將簽訂協(xié)議書,各自按協(xié)議規(guī)定負責(zé)工作:主辦人(甲公司名稱)承擔(dān) (工作范圍、內(nèi)容),占總工作量的 %,聯(lián)合體成員(乙公司名稱) 承擔(dān) (工作范圍、內(nèi)容),占總工作量的 %;此協(xié)議書作為與方案競賽主辦單位所簽合同的補充內(nèi)容。
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Part Five BriefIntroduction to the P Announcement on ProjectApplication ofThreeMuseumsand One Venue under the InternationalDesigning Contest for the Four Venues among Cultural Facilities inGuangzhou
Part OneProprietor:GuangzhouCultural, Radio and TV,Press and Publication Bureau,GuangzhouScienceand Information Technology Bureau,GuangzhouUrban Investment Group
PartTwo Organizer: Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau
Part Three Delegated organizer:Guangzhou Chengqi Tendering Agency Ltd.
Part Four Projectbackground
The construction of the fourvenues (including the new museum,GuangzhouArtGallery,GuangzhouScienceMuseum,Lingnan Squarein the northGuangzhouCulturalMuseumandLingnanProspectGardenin the south) is a major deployment forGuangzhouto build up Lingnan cultural center and advance new urban development. Besides,it is also the urgent requirement to construct “culturalGuangzhou”and “happyGuangzhou”inaddition to building up a national central city and realize the objectiveswhich can be summarized as “three positions and two priorities”. In accordancewith the work planning of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and GuangzhouMunicipal Government, Guangzhou aims to build the four venues in this city intoworld-first-class and time-honored cultural classics by launching theinternational designing contest for the four venues among the culturalfacilities in Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as “contest”).
The three museums and one venue are located in thesouth ofCantonTower,taking the core position of the new urban axis inGuangzhou. This area aims to be a world classconcentrated area of cultural classics and a cultural heartland fullymanifesting the regional characteristic of Lingnan area. By constructing acomprehensive transport system catering to human needs and coordinating theintegrated design and development of the space on and under the ground, thisarea endeavors to create a multifunctional and dynamic cultural complex.
The proprietors in this contest include Guangzhou Cultural, Radio and TV, Press and Publication Bureau, GuangzhouScience and Information Technology Bureau and Guangzhou Urban Investment Group.The construction management of this project isGuangzhouKey Project Construction Office and the contest organizer isGuangzhouUrban Planning Bureau. Especially,the contest has established the international contest council for the fourvenues among the cultural facilities inGuangzhouand this council is responsible for organization, guidance, supervision anddispute resolution as the leading decision-making organ. In addition, thiscouncil is entitled to make decisions on key events in the contest and a reviewcommittee and contest committee office is under the council’s subordination.roject
1. Name:ProjectofThreeMuseumsand One Venue under the International Designing Contest for the Four Venues amongCultural Facilities inGuangzhou
2. Work content (details seen in the technical document of the contest)
(1)Overallurban design
The scope for the overallurban design ranges from Yiyuan East Road and Chigang North Road in the east toYiyuan West Road and Shishitou Road in the west, from Xingang Middle Road inthe south to Binjiang East Road in the north. The scope covers an area of 55.5hectares (which is tantamount to 832.5 mu) and the contest outcome reaches thedepth of preliminary scheme of the regulatory detailed planning.
(2)Overalltransport planning
The overall transport planningcovers railway transit, transit transfer design, sinking design of ShuangtaWest Road, Yiyuan East Road, Yiyuan West Road and slow traffic system designand so on. The contest outcome reaches the depth of preliminary scheme of theregulatory detailed planning.
(3)Undergroundspace planning ofLingnan Square
The underground space ofLingnan Squarecovers an area of 16 hectares and the construction area stands at 340,000square meters. The contest outcome reaches the depth of preliminary scheme ofthe regulatory detailed planning.
(4)Construction plans forGuangzhouScienceMuseum,GuangzhouNewMuseumandGuangzhouArtGallery
Guangzhou ScienceMuseumapproximately covers an area of 2.95 hectares while the floor areas ofGuangzhouArtGalleryandGuangzhouNewMuseumamount to 2.92hectares and 3.88 hectares respectively. The construction area of the threemuseums stands at 80,000 square meters respectively. The contest outcomereaches the depth of construction plans. The design plan of the nearly3-hectare land around Chigang Pagoda and park green land has been incorporatedinto the plan forGuangzhouNewMuseum.
Part Six Duration of the contest
The duration ofthis contest spans from Sept, 4th, 2013 (atBeijinglocal time) to Dec, 20th, 2013. Theapplication time spans from Sept. 4th to Sept., 23th, 2013. On Sept, 27th,2013, the list of attending contestants under invitation will be released. OnOct. 11th, 2013, the technical document for the contest will be released andthe technical Q and A session will be convened in addition that the site surveywill be conducted as well. In the middle of the design process, the contestorganizer will carry out a review on the contestants’ preliminary results andthe specific arrangement will be announced in advance. The contestants have tosubmit their final outcomes to the designated site before 16:00 on Dec. 20th,2013. In Jan. 2014, the contest organizer will convene a review meeting so asto choose 3 prize-winning design plans (specific time will be announced by thecontest organizer).
PartSeven Waysof the Contest
(1) Forms of thecontest
The contestwill be in the form of invitational competition. By publishing the application announcementon the website, the contest is accessible to the public application of thedesign organizations or alliances in and out ofChina. The review committee willreview the qualifications of the applied design organizations in an effort tochoose 8 design organizations as the invited contestants. Each contestant shallbe limited to submit only one design plan and the design plan of uninviteddesign organizations shall be rejected.
(2) Ways of appraisal and payment-making
The invited contestants, if their design results aresubmitted in line with the stipulations of the technical document and they areproven to comply with the contest requirements upon the review committee’sinspection, shall be entitled to a compensation of RMB 1.30 million (taxincluded) while the contestants failing to pass the technical review orsubmitting futile results shall not be compensated. The contest council willorganize the review committee to review the 8 plans in an effort to select the3 prize-winning design plans.
(3) Follow-up work
The proprietorswill select one from the three prize-winning design organizations as thebid-winner. The bid-winner will be authorized the design rights fromconstruction plan design to construction drawing ofGuangzhouScienceMuseumorGuangzhouArtGallery.The design fee will be negotiated by the bid-winner and the construction managementwho will sign a construction survey and design contract.
Part EightRequirements of contest application
(1) Conditions of application
1. The domesticdesign companies shall have independent legal personalities in addition tohaving effective B-class (or above) certificates on urban planning and A-classcertificates on construction design issued by the Ministry of Housing andUrban-rural Development of the People’s Republic of China. The foreign designorganizations shall have equivalent construction design experience on the sameconstruction scale or have internationally influential representative works. Thedifferent braches under the same legal representative (including wholly-owned subsidiariesand their holding companies) shall not be allowed to apply for theinternational contest at the same time.
2.Alliancecontestants are allowed in this contest.
(2) Ways of application
1. Thedesign organizations intending to join in the contest shall submitthe filled application form and documents with signatures and official seals tothe delegated organizer by fax or e-mail (e-mail address: gzcqc2006@163.com)before the application deadline.
2. The designorganizations intending to join in the contest shall submit all the applicationdocuments in the written form to the delegated organizer directly or by mailbefore the application deadline.
(3) Theapplication deadline is 10:00 (atBeijingtime) Sept. 23rd, 2013 (The actual time depends on that when thewritten application is received by the delegated organizer). The application documentssubmitted beyond the deadline shall be rejected.
(4) applicationregistry forms (detailsseen Appendix One, the forms can be submitted the delegated organizer by fax ormail).
(5) application documents (details seen in Appendix Two, the documentsshall be bound in A4 format and in one copy).
1.The applicationis not valid until the application documents in paper form are received,including introductions to the applicants’ names and certificates, briefintroductions to the applicants, certificate verifications, certificates ofaward, the applicants’ related experience, the composition of designers, chiefdesigners’ related design experience, applicants’ declarations and so on(original copies with signatures and official seals affixed).
Footnotes The documents related to the designorganizations’ project performance shall include project names, project sites,project scales, design contents, chief designers, project completion (ongoingor completed), project pictures (design drawings or real-scene pictures) andproprietors’ contact information.
2. legalrepresentatives’ certifications, legal representatives’ letters ofauthorization, the attorneys’ ID card copies (All the above-mentioned documents need to be affixed with officialseals.)
3. the designleaders and chief designers’ CV and professional qualification copies, theperformance on the similar projects and certificates of award in the recentfive years (Official seals need to be affixed).
4. The alliancecontestants in this contest need to submit the alliance cooperation agreement(in original copy and the agreement needs to be affixed with signatures and officialseals) signed by all the members and the leading organization is to be marked.
Notes: The applicants must ensure the accuracy and authenticity of theirapplication documents. The contest organizer shall reserve the right to requirethe applicants to submit original documents or verify their submitted materialin other forms in time of application, in the middle of the review process andbefore the review result confirmation. The applicants shall bear all theconsequences arising from false materials or other causes.
Part Nine Providing the announcement is not in conformity with thetechnical document of the contest, the technical document shall prevail.
Part Ten Contactinformation of the delegated organizer
Delegated organizer: Guangzhou Chengqi Tendering Agency Ltd.
Office address: Room 218, No.238,Hengfu Road, Yuexiu District,Guangzhou, P.R.C.
Postal code: 510095
Contact person: Miss Yao (8620-83576900)
Fax: 8620-83499619
E-mail: gzcqc2006@163.com
Website: crodear.cn
Part Ten contact informationof undertaker (only limited to technical enquiry)
Address:No.80,Jixiang Road,Guangzhou, P.R.C.
Postal code: 510030
Contact person: Xu Lige Fax: 020-83320589
E-mail: gz2013competition@qq.com
Appendix One:
Date:Month Day Year Application No.:
Project name |
Project ofThreeMuseumsand One Venue under the International Designing Contest forthe Four Venues among Cultural Facilities inGuangzhou
Project No. |
GZCQC1301FG09001 |
Application fee |
RMB 200 |
Name of applicant |
Legal representative |
Address |
Postal code |
Application undertaker |
Name |
ID card No. |
Tel |
Mobile |
Contact information of applicant’ project leader |
Name |
Tel |
Fax |
Mobile |
E-mail |
Application undertaker |
Month Day Year |
Payee (signature) |
Month Day Year |
Notes |
Notes: The applicants are notentitled to fill out this form until their application materials are verifiedby the delegated organizer and their payment of the application fees meanseffective applications.
Appendix Two: Registration Document
I: List of Submitted Information of CompetitionRegistered Units
Project Name:“Four Major Pavilions” International Design Competition ofGuangzhouCultural Facilities— Project “ThreePavilions and One Stadium”
Project Number: GZCQC1301FG09001
CompetitionRegistered Units (sealed):
1. Competition registered units must ensure that the submitted registration information is true andreliable. The competition organization institution has been entitled to verify through asking competition registeredunits to submit the originals or through other waysduring the registration phase, the competition assessment process and before the confirmationof the assessment results. Competition registered units should take allresponsibilities for all the consequences of submitting false information or ofother reasons.
2. All the above information must beconfirmed with the official seals and authorized representative autographs.
3. Submitted information isn’t required bythis table, will not be a basis of failing the qualification exam.
II. Competition Registered Units Statement
Competition Project Schemes and CompetitionOrganizers:
Our Company herebymakes solemn statement on participating in the “Four Major Pavilions”International Design Competition of Guangzhou Cultural Facilities— Project“Three Pavilions and One Stadium”:
1. Our companyguarantees that the registration information and all otherinformation provided later are true.
2. Our companyguarantees that during the participation of this project, there will be no ringbidding, conclude bidding with other units, no competition eligibility selling,and no bribery to the competition organizer or members of the assessmentcommittee.
3. Our companyneither is in the state to be ordered to suspend business, nor in the penaltyperiod of disqualifying bidding by the construction administration department,nor in the state that its property is took over, frozen, or bankrupted. Withinthe two years until the due date of the competition registration, no majorprojects’ quality problems have been confirmed by relevant administrativeauthorities in written form. On the territories of PRC, the query results ofbribery file in People's Procuratorate show that our company did not besentenced of being guilty of bribery records by the People's Court within thetwo years until the due date of the competition registration.
4. Our company andits affiliated institutions have not participated in the preparatory work ofthe project, the International Design Competition documents preparation andother related work. Our company is not affiliated or has other stakes with theproject competition organizer.
5. Our companyguarantees that the person in charge of the project schemes (with ID) will takefull participation in the collection and design of planning project schemes.
If our company hasbreached this warranty, or this statement doesnnot tally with the facts, onceverified, we are willing to accept the public circular, and take all the legalconsequences.
Hereby declare
DeclaredEnterprise(Official Seal):
Legal Representative Autograph:
(If theparticipation of this competition is in the form of Consortium, this Agreement hereby is provided.)
(A company name),(B company name) are willing to form a consortium to participate in “Four MajorPavilions” International Design Competition of Guangzhou Cultural Facilities—Project “Three Pavilions and One Stadium”, and an agreement on the relevantmatters are concluded as follows:
1. (A companyname) as the organizer of the consortium, (B company name) is the member of theconsortium;
2. The internalrelevant matters of the consortium are provided as follows:
(1) The organizerof the consortium is responsible for the contact with the project schemesorganizer;
(2) Thecompetition is charged by the organizer of the consortium and is implemented byteams build up with both parties;
(3) The consortiumwill be in strict accordance with the requirements of project competitiondocuments, thus to submit the application documents and project competitionresults, implement all contract documents effectively, jointly take allcontractual obligations and responsibilities, and in accordance with theinternal division of responsibilities to undertake their own responsibilitiesand risks;
(4) Ifsuccessfully win a bid, there will be an agreement signed within theconsortium, each party according to the agreement is responsible for: theorganizer (A company name) commitments (work scope, content), takes up thetotal workload %, consortiummember (B Company Name ) commitments (work scope, content), takes up the totalworkload %; this Agreement actsas the supplementary content of the competition project schemes organizer.
(5) Costs in theprocess of the competition and the project implementation after winning the bidwill be allocated by the workload of each party.
3. This Agreementwill go into effect from the day of signing, and the above 2 (4) of ConsortiumAgreement will be invalid automaticallyfrom the day of signing.
4. This agreementis in copies, will send one toproject schemes organizer, and each members of the consortium shall holds one.
A Company Name: (official seal) B Company Name: (official seal)
LegalRepresentative: (autograph orseal) Legal Representative: (autograph or seal)
Contact: (autograph) Contact: (autograph)
Tel: Tel:
Date: Date:
地址:廣州市越秀區(qū)沿江中路298號江灣新城A座8樓 電話:020-83576900 郵箱:gzcqc2006@163.com